A picture of a PCB layout for a quadcopter


Key projects and key points. Coursework and personal projects.

Personal Project

Full Stack Developer - AWS/Vercel Hosted Resume Website

Mar '24 - Current

A resume-based site using a Next.js front-end server on Vercel and a Spring back-end server on AWS.

  • Created a dynamically updatable front-end server with proper resource caching and hosted it on Vercel
  • Designed a database for the front-end and implemented it using PostgreSQL along with an interface in Java using Spring Framework
  • Hosted the back-end on AWS RDS + AWS EC2 and created a static resource bucket on S3 with caching on the edge
  • Implemented an Auth.js-based middleware layer to secure front-end and complemented it with a Spring JWT role-based authentication scheme on the back-end
  • Mapped proper DNS entries on Namespace and created proper SSL certification to prevent data leakage and CORS errors between the front-end and back-end.


Full-Stack Developer - Next.js + Spring Storefront

Dec '23 - Mar '24

An example storefront using a Spring-based back-end and Next.js front-end.

  • Implemented a Spring-based REST API to handle and serve user data, user preferences, and product + category data.
  • Modeled the database using UML ensuring desired product functionality was met and used MySQL to realize the database.
  • Created custom SQL queries within the repository to handle operations which could not be inferred by the framework.
  • Designed a UI framework by hand using Photoshop and created a Typescript implementation using a Next.js based server with Tailwind classes.


ML Engineer - Object-Based Occlusion Inpainting

Sep '18 - Dec '18

An attempt to create a pipeline for organic occlusion inpainting.

  • Created a deep learning pipeline designed to identify organic occlusions and inpaint the localized object in a team of four.
  • Created a dataset with organic occlusions and transfer trained a YOLO network to detect the objects and return bounding boxes for each occlusion.
  • Created a lambda layer to convert bounding box outputs into a rough segmentation map for use in the inpainting network.
  • Learned how to use Docker to resolve issues that arose following Python pipeline Dockerization issues.


GPU Software Developer - GPU Optimized Face Detection

Sep '18 - Oct '18

Cuda C++ implementation of the Viola-Jones Detection algorithm

  • Designed and implemented a GPU optimized version of the Viola Jones detection algorithm in a team of three.
  • Implemented the variable size image pyramid generator and the Adaboost algorithm used for training using CUDA C++.
  • Presented on how to parallalize the Adaboost algorithm by taking into account GPU architecture constants.
  • Reported and fixed GPU memory management issues using the Visual Studio GPU debugging tools.


Researcher - Endoscopy Robot

May '18 - May '19

Summer Research Internship Project

  • Researched and designed a control scheme for a colonoscopy robot and implemented the communication packet structure using ARM C to triple initial segmented robot polling rate
  • Implemented a variable segment-based GUI using Python and MATLAB to collect fused data and individually identify robot pose of up to five connected robot segments.
  • Collected robot movement fusion and orientation data, compiled it within a scientific journal paper, and prepared a presentation on the prototype and research progress for an engineering outreach event.